Yours Globally is a protocol which is currently operated in the European Union under license, by the offices of Van Velzen C.S. and Briddge Legal & Finance.

Yours Globally sees to project management and direction of procedures with an international or global legal scope related to the following subjects:

●  Corporate: red tape jungle around set up and maintenance of new (subsidiary) companies abroad
●  Finance & Tax: tax aspects of international corporate and personal mobility
●  Business: contracting of international business relationships
●  People: global business related migration and secondment (e.g. work permit and visa processes, social security) matters

C3 Protocol
Communication  ●  Coordination  ●  Centralization

Yours Globally specialists direct various local service providers worldwide, and coordinate different steps in different phases of each project, eliminating communication layers, lowering error margins, acting as a client’s central communication point in order to attain compliance with laws and regulations abroad.

Yours Globally specialists keep track of processing times and of parties’ in- and output to effectuate the required outcome with the most cost- and time-efficient results.

Yours Globally specialists communicate, coordinate and centralize.

The Yours Globally protocol is operated in over 50 jurisdictions worldwide.

E-mail address:
Telephone: +31 20 214 8382